Tuesday, December 16, 2008

08’ 班旅/毕旅 (9/12 ~ 12/12)Part1

Hello everyone, 又是时候发挥我的小宇宙了~ (Bold的字最好用广东话来读…)


那天的前一天,my buddies 豪哥&汉雄哥都睡不着… (Why? Ans: 兴奋咯!)
上巴士,我就和景隆坐,但是不懂做么感觉有点生疏。But, 我们在接下来的日子都相处得很愉快。
过后,我跟‘自以为最有型的最没有型’的汉雄哥坐… 酱就壹世… 没有啦!只不过接下来的这几天都与雄同坐(改:与敌同行)。

Our trip’s 1st stop is Ipoh’s Lost World at Sunway City Ipoh. (Lost World of Tambun)
Summary of the trip: 爽到~
那个时候,我们这个Gang(豪哥,汉雄哥,田哥,哲讯哥,景隆哥,还有我——明哥)兵分两路:哲和我survey环境,others 去玩滑水。过后,我join 他们玩。Wow~ 爽到~ 刺激加兴奋,就像玩Roller coaster 一样!
之后,良田,得豪&me一起游走一条波涛汹涌的河道。哇!不开玩笑的… 这条河长到~ 我们三人游走完后,就快抽在那里
过后,我们与失散几分钟的景隆哥会合,到儿童迷你水上乐园戏水。当我们看见MP心目中的熊仔/HH/Teddy,即是汉雄,就一边互相戏弄对方,一边等待装水的容器的水倒下来。(据汉雄透露,MP是文佩的意思… Hehe! )当水倒下来的那一刻,只有一字可言——爽!
之后,我们与其他同学玩飞龙摩天轮。Cheh!不爽嘚~ 明知我们这个gang 讲求的是速度(Speed man… Speed~)。”It’s just like XX fade away~” 是我们这个gang 当中几个人的口头禅。
后来,我们才知道温泉的所在位置就在入口处的附近。真是远在天边,近在眼前!由于feel 不到温泉的奇效,所以大家冲向大型水上乐园去玩。当我们的eagle eyes (鹰眼)sense 到MP 的到来后,大家以自己最快的速度,奋不顾身地游向水上乐园的深处。
之后,我们在沙滩上开战:大家既是Attacker, 也是 Victim。MP很不幸的,也卷入DoGGeRs SanD WaR 当中。Erm~ 有没有发现到我们这个gang少了一人?他就是‘史上最Yeng的哲哥’。当时的他坚决不玩水,因为他不想酱快露出自己的42寸胸肌。所以,他帮我们看守我们的背包。Haiz~ 除了感动,还是感动



过后,我们前往Kuala Gula参观炭窟,了解木炭的制作过程。哇!原来木炭的用途可真广啊!



之后,我们享用BBQ晚餐。Yer~ 老实说,none of these BBQ food is 熟的!那些一串串内冷外热的食物,令到我吃了马上抽在那里。Haiz~ 算啦! 好快就过个啦!过后,我们多格式联盟聚集在一起,讲狗耶Wow~ 真是爽!
入住度假屋,玩牌的玩牌,赌钱的赌钱,输钱的输钱,唯独‘上最Yeng的哲汛哥’在那里solo chess。

过后,大家就进入睡梦中。但,由于‘赌鬼们’占了我的睡地,我被逼到客厅去睡。But, 好梦不常在——有个赌鬼到客厅抢我的地盘。结果,我的睡地的股份从100% , 慢慢下降到 0%... Sad la… Sad!之后,我便会房睡。哇!不开玩笑的,冷到抽在那里!最后,我只好wandering around... 直到大家wake up。

还有一件事,我真的绝对绝对绝对绝对绝对绝对不会说鹤康就是那抢我的地盘的赌鬼。身为DoGGeRs United 一份子的我,说话一定要算数嘛~ Hehe~

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie that inspires me...

Ya, fellow readers... I make no-mistake. That's my title of this post.

I had watched a movie, weeks before the spm exam started. That movie inspired me somehow.

O.... Haven't I speak out the title of the movie? It's High School Musical 3: Senior Year.

After seeing their ending part, I have a sudden-sadness feel. I felt that there are many things that I want to do for a long time and I still haven't make my dreams come true. Since I will be 18 years old next year, there are still lots of ambitions that I want to achieve and that kind of feelings make me hunger for more. As a senior student in my school, I really want to become wholesome student next year. I will start from my maths society. Then.... After that...... (secret) 

As some of my ambitions are my private dreams, I can't let you all know. Hehe~

Lastly, I hope that I can really make it ! Erm~ buddies, you do think so, right?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2 Month Later

Since almost 2 month no blogging, many things have changed. In conclusion:

1. SPM Trial result came out and add math was the most disappointed subject.

2. As I am officiallly becoming the president of math society year 2009, many things that I have to get rid of. 

3. Big problem occured. The head of the Co-curriculum Department have planned many activities next year since it is our school 90 anniversary.

4. Something went wrong. There were some problems occur, such as more and more people are left 4 college.... my job here seems difficult now.

5. I am so busy these days. I'm busy till forgot my friend's birthday(21/10). Tomoki... sry and happy birthday..... (Never too late to say that, right?)

6. I still remembered that day. All the form 5 students were going to deal with the spm - add math and moral that day.My gang - 'doggers united' had done something that we weren't suppose to do... or I can just said, it's doesn't suit our style, right after finished our add math paper. We WALKED to the Mutiara to have our lunch there. None of the students that are taking part in the spm WALKED to the Mutiara, except us. They have their cars, their friends' cars, their parents' car.... but we just have two legs to help us to get there. When we walked back to the school, there's still 15 mins left before the spm -moral exam start. Haiz~ What a Great Day !

6. SPM exam is still going on. Wish all the students Good Luck! ESpecially all my form 5 classmates... Gambateh o.... 3 more to go.... Have a Bright Future.....

Friday, September 19, 2008

SPM Trial

Haiz~ SPM Trial is finally coming.... 多么惨痛的事实!!!

Haiz~ I still haven't get ready 2 accept the challenge.... 更惨的事实!!

Haiz~ I still got 2 days left before the dark age (SPM Trial).... 惨上加惨!

What can I said after all... 这一切都是自己的错... 

Therefore, from now on... I'll try 2 珍惜时间... 不让每一分每一秒白白流去

I've decided... anti TV, anti comic, anti internet, anti anything that might 影响我!

Gambateh, yuming!!! All the Best, Mr.Chng 加油, 宇明!!!

I believe I can make it.... my target, my goal.... in 48hours.... 

After finished writing this post, I'll .... GOOD LUCK 2 EVERYONE !!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008





最后,还是想再跟我自己说声:“生日快乐 !!!!”

Monday, August 18, 2008

New look, New era

Finally, I've changed the appearance of my blog.

Really excited.... Really like it..... Fulfill my satisfaction! Yes~

Juz like Lionel(my frienz) once said : "That's my style, man !"

I wish that this new-look blog will bring some freshness to my life.

I wish that this will help me to regain my luck in exam.

I wish that this will bring me some fortunes as the keys to solve all the difficulties.

Guys, I hope so..... because............. I BADLY NEED IT !!!

If guys really want to find out why did I need it so badly,

guys can chat with me via msn or talk to me when we meet each other.  

Tata~ Until next post..... (dunno how to write the ending part) Hehe~

Friday, August 1, 2008

We are the Man !

今天,我们可以大声地告诉全世界,说我们是高二文忠 !!!

The Best of The Best !!!


作为一个足球员的精神,作为一个支持者的精神,We DiD It !!!

个人激动的心情+令人感动的友谊。。。真正冠军的象征 !!

另外,作为Lionel的代言人,我个人觉得Lionel是这决赛的Man of the Match !

Lionel 徐得豪 ,U are truely my ‘大佬‘  ! !

你的泪光truely touched my heart as well ! !

Lionel, you are my man .... Lionel, you are the Best

As a goalkeeper, you have done your best.......

Your contributions are undeniable important!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hola my blog, Bonjour !

Be honest, I never feel so like living in the heaven for almost 3 month (1 suku tahun).

Today, I'm totally free from homeworks.... (veli veli happy)

However there are some things tat aren't fully completed....

Such as society's ... , revisions, and class's ...

But, at least I'm on The Top Of The World now !!

Till next time, I shall share much more about my feelings with all of you.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Boring... Blog..... Sorry... Blog

Blog, Blog, Blog,

Boring Blog,

When you have something to write in it,  there will definately have some obstacles.

The obstacles are like 'the line isn't working very well', 'lag',

lot of homeworks and so on...

Haiz~ What can i do?  

In the very beginning, there are many things tat I want 2 post them out.

But, with all these happening, there are many things that i haven't share with you all.

Regret, sadness, frustrated... Those are the things I get with all these happpening.

Haiz~ What can i do?  

GoMeNeh..... my fellow frienz.... So Sry....

And yet thanks for visiting my blog even I'm not updating it frequently...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

JoGGinG in the Rain

This morning, I went to FRIM with my dad, mom, and grandmother.
The weather at the very beginning was very syok ! Nice ! (looks sunny)
However, when we still jogging in the middle of the pathway,
rain start to fall... and that was definately a very, very bad news for us.

Maybe, U'll think 'why don't u use umbrella'.

Let me explain..... 'We Didn't Bring Umbrella to FRIM !!'
If these situations aren't bad enough, let me explain more...
there is a long, long way to go to the shelter in the pathway !!!

But, we managed to handle it somehow.

Dad and I ran like the speed of light to dad's car,
Mom and grandmother ran to the shelter as fast as they could.
(The distance from the shelter to dad's car is long, but the shelter is nearer to us)

After that, dad drove the car to find mom and grandmother.

We were all wet !!!! Shirt, wet... checked ! Pants, wet... checked !
Hair, wet... checked ! Body, wet... checked ! Glasses, wet... checked !

Then, we all went home to have a very, very nice bath.

(That is just what we want at the moment.)

Unforgetable journey !? Hmm~ I guess so .....

Friday, May 16, 2008

08' 年中考

Yea~ At last... Finally... It is all over !
在这次大考, I realised something big, something that is very important.

If U got 100% in exam,
doesn't mean 100% understood the subject.
If U got 50% in exam,
doesn't mean 50% understood the subject.

Bad/Very bad/Simply failed in exam,
there is another thing that is important to us,
(besides 想想做么自己成绩酱烂,改变自己)
learn how to carry on the feeling of despair,
learn how to become an optimistic guy/gal.

Conclusion of this post:
Don't regret what U did even though U are not at Ur best !

- although this post sounds late to my fellow friends,
but i hope frienz would enjoy reading this post -

Saturday, April 5, 2008

1 Week later...

1stly, sorry 2 anyone who expect me 2 update my blog daily.
2 weeks ago, i'm in a veli veli busy situation. Haiz~ 烦!!
Now, let me tell u all about my experience in those days, in Chinese language.

结果咧!结果咧!结果咧!结果咧!(大嘴巴的歌)- Haha! sorry 吖!
我从最后第二排调到最后一排,咳~ bad few days start from there...
我的视线要越过很多很多粒人头,才到达白板,真考验我的eye ball 啊!!!
Becoz' of this, 各科老师教的科,我听没有。。。开始没心上课。。。
功课因没听科而delay and delay... But, 我的智慧与勤劳cover 了这一切!!!
This place really changed me a lot..... or i can said, improved me a lot !!!
But, if I have a 2nd chance, i won't make that decision (Change 2 that special place),
coz' many things that I have 2 sacrifice 2 领悟 something ... big gamble!
Coz' maybe i will lose everything.... 功课没听到... 我的智慧与勤劳maybe can't cover it.

Furthermore, 我现在在班上的‘邻居’真让我体会到ZaDao的真理!!!
Sometimes, 我veli 佩服那位‘邻居’。I wonder how she do that !?
她唱歌...ok lo 她跷椅子...ok lo 她看起来一直都在笑...ok lo !!!!
BUT, 她把以上三点都在同一时刻进行,而且唱起悲伤的歌都在笑。
(Remember..... 唱起悲伤的歌都在笑.... 一直都在笑.... OMG!)

Am I '土' or she 'sot sot' ? Am I 'outdate' or she 'tooooo' update?
BUT, she did entertained me.... A LOT..... veli 感谢她。TQ^^

So, now..... anybody got any comments, send 2 me 2 notice me.

Friday, March 28, 2008

' L: Change the World ' *CooL*

Alternative title: Lの本当の秘密 (Japanese)

Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Police, Psychological, Shounen

Plot Summary:
L is recruited to save humanity from a deadly virus that wiped out a whole Thai village and his friend F. His oponents are K and a twisted environmental group who want to "cleanse" the world of it's excess population with the deadly virus. His accomplices are two young children - a English speaking boy who's the only survivor of the virus infected Thai village; and a Japanese school girl who's the child of the Professor who developed the virus antidote. His FBI partners are Watari who dies early in the show, and Sugura who joins later as a brief comical decoy for L on the run.


Vaccine !? Are you sure ??

Can I(L) save the World... this time ?
within 23 days ??
my last 23 days ???

Saturday, March 22, 2008

2 Quit or not 2 Quit

Today, i decided 2 quit playing DotA and cs for 2 month.
Can i really control myself !!? DotA wor~ CS wor~
Omg, really complicated lo... What should i do?

(...half an hour...)
Hmmm~ OK !! I'll StOP PlaYinG....
*final decision/last confirmation* (Learned from my frienz- LXY)
From now on, i'll 80% concentrated in my study.
10% for my imaginations.... imagine that i'm playing games^^
Haha~ the guy named 'Relax' takeover the 10% region (imagine zone)
At last, the last 10%.... i'll assume it to be 'The Others' の zone.
They can be whatever events..... Gooood~ Right? Right, guys?

Besides, 2day truely very tired. 园游会 leave me no comments.
The soya bean の things... Haiz~ The container of my friend is missing.
The weather is also bad... 2 sunny and 2 rainy... Haiz~
The games with Pxing and Wil also not convincing... Haiz~
All these things really make me 'berada' in sadness and despair.
This oso ‘pengaruh' my decision 2 quit playing DotA and cs for 2 month.

That's all for 2day... ( Gambateh 2 all - dun be like me ... like a loser's feel! )

Friday, March 21, 2008

!st time 第一次 !st time

Errr~ 1st time 写 blog 好 weird O...
Feel so noob... Feel so good... Feel so excited...
I guess everybody の 1st time experience の feeling OsO like that 吧 !?
So, in this - my veli true !st time blog - , i would 写 in campur campur の languages。
Furthermore, 写 these things 好 letih O... seems like 写着 esei, karangan and 作文.
Besides, 写 these things 怕 'paisei', OsO 怕 ' memperxiashuikan ' 咧 !!
So, everybody come come, 看 my !st time (~homemake~) posting in blogger 吧
If anyone 有 improve posting の cara, send comments 2 me 吧 !!!

TQ for reading these maybe boring , naive, weird の posting... ありがとう

~ThE EnD~